
  • leila ahmed: women and gender in islam: historical roots of a modern debate
  • steven l. spiegel & elizabeth matthews & jennifer taw & kristen williams: world politics in a new era
  • james a. morone & rogan kersh: by the people: debating american government, brief edition


  • john l. esposito: what everyone needs to know about islam
  • rob thomas & jennifer graham: the thousand-dollar tanline


  • norman lowe: mastering modern world history
  • donald s. macqueen: window on the united states: a university primer
  • tove jansson: the summer book


  • p.g. wodehouse: my man jeeves
  • erich maria remarque: all quiet on the western front
  • neil gaiman: neverwhere
  • george r.r. martin: a clash of kings


  • christina schäffner & helen kelly-holmes: discourse and ideologies
  • esperanca bielsa & susan bassnett: translation in global news
  • terry pratchett: the light fantastic
  • terry pratchett: the colour of magic
  • charlotte perkins gilman: the yellow wallpaper


  • hugh howey: dust
  • gail carriger: changeless
  • virginia woolf: mrs. dalloway [re-read]
  • gail carriger & rem: the soulless manga, vol. 1
  • hannu rajaniemi: the quantum thief


  • j.m. barrie: peter pan [re-read]
  • mike carey & peter gross: the unwritten, vol. 4: leviathan
  • samuel taylor coleridge: the rime of the ancient mariner and other poems
  • aale tynni: tarinain lähde


  • douglas adams: dirk gently's holistic detective agency
  • alivaltiosihteeri: virallisuus sihisi hississä: portaattomasti nousevaa tunnelmaa 2007-2008
  • agatha christie: the mystery of the blue train


  • douglas adams: mostly harmless
  • douglas adams: young zaphod plays it safe
  • astrid lindgren: peppi pitkätossu etelämerellä [re-read]
  • astrid lindgren: peppo aikoo merille [re-read]
  • astrid lindgren: peppi pitkätossu [re-read]
  • hugh howey: shift
  • sylvia plath: winter trees
  • douglas adams: so long and thanks for all the fish
  • daphne du maurier: rebecca


  • robert galbraith: the cuckoo's calling
  • jonathan safran foer: extremely loud & incredibly close
  • mike carey & peter gross: the unwritten, vol. 3: dead man's knock
  • john steinbeck: of mice and men
  • witi ihimaera: the whale rider
  • mike carey & peter gross: the unwritten, vol. 2: inside man
  • j.r.r. tolkien: the hobbit [re-read]
jan 1 2014 ∞
sep 24 2015 +