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Ohai there.
I'm 21.
I love music and baking and doodling and dreaming.
I am slightly mad, but you'll love me all the same ;D
I blog and now I am going to write lists.
Mucho Loves x

Started: 6th November 2012

listography TERMS
C travel (Future trips)
  • Thank You Sharkee for being with me at my first gig, being there 24/7 and for that time we got so stressed and lied to our parents to get out and practically ran around the streets.
  • Thank You FallenLegacy for listening to my problems. (And sorry about that too) and thank you for finding my iPod oh and I like your hugs.
  • Thank You Maineiac and Ip for encouraging me to make that personal blog, It helped a lot.
  • Thank you Beps for letting me know I'm not alone, even if that's not really a good thing.
  • Thank you Onion for all the laughs we've had.
  • Thank you Llamaffe for THAT six hour conversation and for the general banter we have.
  • Thank you Chlorine for all the laughs and talks that we have, esp when there's photos involved that are just way too funny.
  • thanks again Maineiac for making me make that promise, I'm a lot better now x
  • thank you Mikado, just thank you x
nov 8 2012 ∞
jul 13 2017 +