• Hello guys! You can call me either katsu or kim
  • I have a huge trust issue and I may sometimes go overboard when I get really emotional but I hope that you will try to understand and tolerate me when that happens, i'm sorry :(
  • Whenever I get into a series, I tend to post about them a lot, so I apologize beforehand if I spam a series that you're not into orz
  • I am really forgetful, I WILL forget a lot of things. Things that happen in a series I used to be really enthusiastic about, a conversation we had and so on. I apologize beforehand about this as well ;w;
  • I accept people really easily and I wish to be friends with anybody who wishes to! But, going back to the second point, I have problems trusting people easily, so I may accept you but I will feel wary, so I'll apologize for that beforehand as well ;;
  • But if we do become closer, I will love and protect you with all my heart, but whenever I'm having troubles of my own, I'm sorry if I can't be there for you </3

aug 25 2018 ∞
dec 17 2018 +