• water: Great story teller. Gets angry easily if you push their buttons but very calm otherwise. Can come across as cold. Forgets things easily. Tries to help everyone. Very persistent. Always manages to get their way no matter what it takes.
  • jupiter: big heart. never sleeps. bottles things up. tries to be as kind as possible. cold hands. deep breaths. desert dunes at night.
  • tundra: flawless eyebrows, wears lots of dark colors, eyes that stare into your fricken soul, seems emotionally unavailable but actually secretly loves a lot of people and is scared of losing them but will never show it.
  • moonflower: knowing smiles. doesn't open up easily. late night. tired eyes. soft skin. not as innocent as they seem. loose clothing.
  • 02 am: never seems to sleep. a bit self-destructive. dark circles under their eyes. longing looks. dreaming of a better place. always tired. dark sense of humour.
  • violet: neon lights. late nights. tired eyes. ice cream on a cold day. cd players. small tattoos. always talks.
  • midnight: sleepy stargazer, vivid dreams, city lights and moving cars, likes to drink a lot of tea, fluffy blankets, rosy cheeks, leather jackets.
  • tuesday: seeing a cat on the street, a light rain shower, untied shoelaces, indistinct music from someone else’s earphones, empty coffee shops, denim jackets, long train rides.
  • sunday: strawberry smoothies, golden hour, a soft feeling of wistfulness, lazy afternoons, 4pm naps, lofi mixes, deja vu, long daydreams, lighting sparklers.
  • meteor shower: postcard from old cities, dreams about new experiences and cities, often wonders about the meaning of love and life, always changing like a chameleon, loves everyone, very wise and gives good advice but feels lost in their own life sometimes, believes that home is not a place but a concept.
  • aurora borealis: spends most of the day in headphones, mind is always in the clouds, lover of arts, very sensitive, unravels philosophical ideas in casual conversations, gives warm hugs, knows a lot of interesting facts for some reason, understands you completely when you’re feeling really down.
jan 28 2019 ∞
apr 13 2020 +