Currently, I rarely state my opinion on things I don't like or make me feel uncomfortable, but I have talked more than once about the following themes:

  • Pedophilia, sexualization of LGTB people/minors. I share posts AGAINST this, both in media and IRL cases. This is a sensitive topic for me, so I may go too far when criticising it. Feel free to make me stop if that's the case.
  • Sexism. I complain about the way women are unfairly depicted in media, even when unconsciously done.
  • Bullying, depression, self-harm. I barely pick this topic unless my followers feel safe about it. I'm heavily against any behaivor or joke boosting this. I don't support self-deprecating material.

All of them are up for debate! Learning about different opinions is very important for me.

jan 29 2020 ∞
feb 24 2021 +