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21 things that i love about the love of my life, kim mingyu.

  • his heart made of gold.
    • mingyu is one of the kindest people I have met in my whole life, he's always sweet, always cares about the others, is always sweet, treats everyone in the best way possible, loving mingyu is the same to feel loved.
  • hard work.
    • at first he didn't have the desire to be an idol, but ended up being climbed and entered the company without knowing how to do anything, no rap, no singing and no dancing, he had to do his best to improve, and today, look at every improvement that he had, every new skill he shows, his confidence increasing, fills the heart of anyone with the purest and strongest pride.
  • his affectionate way.
    • mingyu is extremely affectionate, always touching, hugging someone, always around someone, always playing, and its something natural of him, he is naturally affectionate, always going to show affection, and it is one of the things that I love most about him.
  • his puppy way.
    • the happy puppy way that he got is one of the things that makes him irresistible, he's always upbeat, pacing from one place to another, playing and having fun with the simplest situations.
  • his kindness.
    • he is always kind to anyone, in all kind of situation, he doesn't deny smiles and courtesies to anyone, always extremely polite and charismatic.
  • his cuteness.
    • mingyu doing aegyo is one of the most adorable things in the world, as well as when he gets sulky and with a simply adorable little beak on the tiny face. he is naturally cute, with actions that make him seem more adorable still.
  • his bright.
    • the light that comes out of him is impressive, brightens any darkness, warms any heart, leaves any air lighter and any life easier to live, accept mingyu in your heart is to accept the light in your days
  • kid spirit.
    • mingyu is a six foot child who is happy and content with little things and this is one of the most beautiful things in the world. he has a unique purity and innocence.
  • clumsy.
    • he is the kind of clumsy person who can sort everything out in a heartbeat. the most adorable thing in the world is kim mingyu knocking down cell phones during lives in the v app.
  • he always helps.
    • he always tries to be helpful and help in everything he can, even hoshi's said that mingyu always offers to help with anything he needs in choreography, for example.
  • when he gets excited.
    • mingyu excited is like a happy world. he always gets excited with just a few things exactly like a child at christmas, he makes everything brighter with his animation.
  • super reacting with few things.
    • he super reacts to things, for example, when something makes him embarrassed, he throws himself over someone, or lowers himself and tries to hide his face at all costs while laughing.
  • his love for the other members.
    • the love he has for seventeen is a beautiful thing, he always shows it in everyway, always tries to take care of everyone and please all of them, everyone can see with an absurd clarity that the mingyu loves others as if they were a family (which In fact they are).
  • his love for the fans.
    • one of the most passionate idols I've ever seen in my life, his eyes always shine looking at the fans, he treats them in a special and affectionate way, he never denies the smile to any of them, always holding hands and always keeping his eyes on over them with a loving smile adorned in the mouth.
  • his love for dogs.
    • kim mingyu is exactly the type of person that stop everything that is doing to make affection in dogs, it's simply adorable how much he loves dogs. And it melts me like nothing ever melted before, after all, my two favorite things in the world: mingyu and dogs.
  • his love for fashion.
    • one of his greatest passions is clearly his love for fashion or cooking, so much so that he once said that he would work with fashion if he weren't an idol, see him parading in fashion week, working with what he loves and dreaming of putting together a brand with minghao heats me, because his happiness is so clear.
  • the way he laughs.
    • when mingyu laughs the whole world lights up just like his face, his eyes become small, he puts his little hand in his mouth or give little slaps on the nearest person, and even folds himself laughing or throws himself on the floor. It's precious.
  • his melanin.
    • his skin is beautiful. absurdly beautiful. his natural tan is the greatest charm he has, and it warms my heart to know that he knows and likes it, even if others are mean, I hope he always has in mind how beautiful the tone of skin he has.
  • coocking.
    • how his face is concentrated when he cooks is a work of art, as well as his existence, seeing him create and do the dishes, and then eat and be proud of himself is very important. he should always be proud of himself.
  • his voice.
    • one of the most beautiful voices in the whoke world. with an unique and beautiful tone, his voice sounds good for anything, both for rap and for singing and even talking. I could spend the rest of my life listening to his voice without stopping and never going to tire.
  • on stage.
    • his attitude and the confidence he shows up on stage is overwhelming, when he lets go and shows his talent and what he is capable of, makes my admiration for him only grow and grow. his eyes shine on the stage, he loves to be there.


          • i love everything about him.
mar 30 2017 ∞
mar 28 2018 +