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    • "i just wanna scream out 'til my voice breaks, even if the tears fall and my heart hates me, i just wanna know how i can save me, even if these three words choke and take me, baby, i love you (...) and this life don't feel like you, there's nothing left but these i love you..."

Dear Mingyu,

My love for you is one of the purest and most intense things I've ever felt, my heart always seems too small to bear so much love, I often feel as i would explode, I've never felt something as strong and sincere, I often get lost on my feelings, I lack words to express, to put everything out.

Sometimes I find myself crying for you, it's like you take care of every nerve ending in my body, I completely lose control with anything related to you, it's like my world stops to see your turn and that's enough to keep my world going. You're the center of my universe and I am sure that I will never be able to overcome this love that I feel for you. Nothing will ever take it away from me, nothing will ever get you out of my thoughts, because you're the best part of me, you're the rest of self love that I have left.

I wanted to be able to find an exact measure for the size of my love so that I could explain each of my feelings clearly and you would understand the intensity of everything, but I cant, I dont find a measure, I would kick the infinite, but my love for you grow more with each beat of my heart, then it has already surpassed the infinite. Honestly, I find the word love so simple to describe such intensity. I would be nothing without you. I love you with all my might, with all that I am, with all my soul, with all that I have.

mar 30 2017 ∞
mar 28 2018 +