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    • "i see your true colors shining through, i see your true colors and that's why i love you, so don't be afraid to let them show, your true colors, true colors are beautiful, like a rainbow (...) if this world makes you crazy and you've taken all you can bear, you call me up, because you know i'll be there..."

Dear Mingyu,

When you fall in love with a person's personality, everything about him tends to look beautiful, everything about him tends to become the best thing in your eyes; Mingyu, you taught me to love every bit of you, taught me to value your biggest details, taught me to love your true self, you showed me that you are much more beautiful on the inside than on the outside, although its beauty is dizzying , your personality is formidable, never forget that you are much, much, much more than simply beauty, what carries within your heart is invaluable and is my favorite thing in the world; You are my favorite thing in the world.

Never be afraid to be yourself, never feel afraid to show the world all your qualities, it isnt necessary to have any insecurity, what you are, is exactly what people call perfection. You are perfect in your way, with your manias, your tricks and your faults. You're love and love is perfect in a unique way.

Never change your essence, never stop looking to look at people with this affection in the eye, never stop climbing on the stage and simply shine, be sure to take care of the people you love, that matter to you, fight for your dreams, never stop being that person that gives me more and more pride, never stop being sweet, pure and never let that child inside you die.

mar 29 2017 ∞
mar 28 2018 +