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    • "though i get tired and hurt sometimes, it’s alright, because i'm next to you (...) i wanna fly, but i have no wings but your hands become my wings, i wanna forget darkness and loneliness with you..."

Dear Mingyu,

You appeared to me the moment I needed a safe place, a suport, of all the difficulties I went through, that year was the worst. You came into my life and made it all feel better, lighter, suddenly it became easier to breathe and my heart beat with extra help, my love for you is what makes my heart beat, just to look at you he starts beat like crazy, I sleep and I wake up thinking when I'll see you, if you're well and happy, comfort me think about it, so please be always happy, always well, take care. You're the reason I'm still here.

I'll never leave you (even if I wanted to, I just can't), you'll always be in my thoughts and especially in my heart, It will always follow me until my last breath, in this world full of transient feelings, I found you, an eternal feeling. Never doubt for a second about my love for you, honestly, sometimes it's the only thing I'm sure of in this world. You're my only certainty.

I will never be able to return the wonders you do for me, but I'd like to try to, I wanted to return every time you made me smile, all the things that made me feel special, for all the times you helped me, that healed me without knowing it, for all the times you turned a bad day into the best day I could have, for all the times you turned my tears into smiles. The only thing I can offer you is what you already have; My heart clogged with love for you.

mar 29 2017 ∞
mar 28 2018 +