• Buttcrack Pants (aka, yoga pants, leggings, sausage casing, or Every Nook n' Cranny pants)
  • Music straight from a cellphone, where it sounds all fuzzy and weird. Gives me a headache. My ears are spoiled.
  • The whiny tone of voice, which sucks when it is just that persons voice and they aren't trying to be whiny.
  • When people whine about things they shouldn't be, like their parents, or friends, or their job
  • Cali-Girl "accent"
  • Acquaintances/Friends from classes who ignore my existence once the term is over
  • Slutty girls complaining about the sluttiness of other girls.
  • When people decide to major in Psychology or Art history because they believe it is "easy"
  • When its obvious people are only in college just to have sex and get drunk as often as possible, or women who are only in college to find their future, rich husband so they can be housewives.
  • Girls who try to give me advice on beauty and relationships, when they themselves look like hookers and have a new boyfriend every other week.
  • When people stack the dishes in the dishwasher, or don't rinse them good enough to actually get clean from the dishwasher (roommate issues)
  • Speech that has an over abundance of fowl language and disgusting annotations.
  • When someone says the word 'like' after every other word.
  • Girls who wear way too much make-up. I just cannot take them seriously.
  • When boys get too nervous to keep flirting or ask a girl out and then nothing comes out of anything because they were too much of a wuss! AUGH!
  • When people listen to music without headphones on the train
  • Being accosted, esp old men
  • Uber fanpeople: the kind who dress up like who they love to school, constantly talk about it using nicknames and abbreviations, who hate you if you don't like it too, and think you're an idiot if you don't know what it is, whether its anime, tv, sports, celebrity, or music.
  • People who (allegedly) hate fads but still somehow know everything about all fads (usually called hipsters)
  • When other girls hate me because I won't indulge their want of drama
  • When people insult another and excuse it with "just saying" as if they were honestly just trying to help or something
  • People in classes who constantly spout their wealth of knowledge as if the world is better off knowing it (despite it possibly not even being true)
apr 24 2013 ∞
jun 3 2015 +