• I lived on Big Island Hawaii for 7 months and saw Kilauea lava
  • my brother Keegan is in two episodes of Portlandia. He got pushed over in a hallway by Fred Armisen! and he was there for the take over of MTV!
  • My cousin Ben Ferguson was 4th place on the half pipe in the 2018 Winter Olympics
  • I met Christofer Drew (ukulele player of Never Shout Never/Eatmewhileimhot) at a concert and he hugged me for some reason. He has a tattoo of an Eevee on his leg. I was only there as company for a friend.
  • I met Justin Furstenfeld(Blue October) but my friend dominated the conversation by pretending to be a recovering alcoholic. But Justin gave me a free Home album and signed it T_T. I don't deserve such niceness.
  • I almost met Obama in 2009 at a rally, but I was like 15 so basically invisible.
  • my aunt, uncle, and grandpa met Rainn Wilson (Dwight Schrute) at a 10 Barrel pub. Someone learned that Rainn Wilson called the sheriff because there was a snake in his yard, and all the sheriff did was throw the snake in his pickup and say "thank you" then left.
  • My friend Summer met Jack Black at the taco place we always went to on Hawaii.
  • In high school, my friends dad was the one who arranged concerts at Roseland Theater in Portland, so me and her got into shows for free under the condition we sell merchandise or energy drinks.
  • senior year of high school me and my friend Omar towed our other friend Michelle on bikes while she was in a shopping cart through the halls of our high school on a Sunday.
jun 25 2018 ∞
jun 29 2018 +