• "Adine set herself to rearranging her skirts, but though she muttered to herself, she held her tongue otherwise." Example of someone showing awkwardness/flabbergastery -- The Shadow Rising - page 491
  • i.e. = when you are restating a point you are trying to make in different words. Basically "in other words"
  • "my stomach is making growling sounds, i.e., I'm hungry."
  • e.g. = when you are giving an example of what you are trying to say
  • "my stomach is making growling sounds, e.g., gurgles, plops, swishes, and bleets."
  • "He wished he could make Faile stay there-- that was not the same as leaving her behind, just keeping her safe from Whitecloaks-- but she had that stubborn set to her jaw and a dangerous light in her tilted eye." - long sentence with lots of information but not sounding like a run-on
  • Omit Needless Words
  • bromide = stating the obvious
  • Instead of offering her an umbrella, the cheeky stranger offered the bromide "it's raining".
  • Passive: He looked dazed as he said, --
  • Active: Dazed, he said, --
  • words to describe a condescending tone of voice: curtly, cheeky, blandly
jun 18 2018 ∞
jun 28 2018 +