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Hi, I'm Lena! Some other names you might see used for me are Sol, Four, Ozton, or Lion! If you're from FR, you might know me by Ryan. But utimately, I prefer Lena, thank you!

My passions are Noragami, Sixty Four, Cars, Overwatch and OC creation. Please feel free to ask me about mine and Anne's ocs listed at the bottom of the page!


There isn't really a list of requirements - mostly just information that you should really know before you follow me!

- Don't follow if you're a bigot, thanks!

- Because of a lot of memory issues linked to my mental illnesses, it's incredibly hard for me to remember triggers and blacklists. If you know for sure you need something tagged or you see me talking about something you need tagged, please come ask me about it and I'll do my best.

- I love talking to any and all doubles!

- Please, I'd much rather be blocked than softblocked! If you'd like me to unfollow you, just ask - I won't question it at all, I just need to know that I did it, otherwise it messes with my memory.

- If you have a problem with me or something I did, come talk to me! I'm always trying to grow and be better and improve from my mistakes. Despite the meme, yes, I DO take constructive criticism.

- I will be talking somewhat regularly about Doctor Who. I'm a very critical fan of it, but I have a lot of personal investment in it. Let's be real, Moffat sucks.

- Yes, my love of the Cars franchise is only partly ironic.

may 24 2017 ∞
nov 17 2018 +