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ME ENCANTA <3 * coser * mis amigos * teatro * fotografĂ­a * pelĂ­cula * practicar mi espanol

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Helloooo! I'm Claire, I live in Ireland and I'm 18. Yup. I'm sure you'll find out more if you do some snooping through my lists...

lisa travel (memorable locations)
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You know when something just seems so perfect/sweet/immense/beautiful that it makes you feel all tingly and teary eyed? I love that feeling, these are a few of the things that do it for me...

  • In the car/train/bus coming into a major city and seeing the bright lights fly by. The atmosphere and the anticipation of events to come. This is almost always best at night.
  • Looking into the offices with wide windows in big cities, seeing the people working and imaging what their lives are like.
  • Seeing people walking on the streets of a city and wondering where they are going. Seeing their excitement as well if groups are making their way to an event like a concert.
  • Being told in person by someone I like that they have feelings for me and what they like about me.
  • Spending a late night with a close friend, especially when we go to a restaurant and have a girl date!
  • Listening to a song that just gets me, just happened with 'The Only Exception' by Paramore.
  • The buzz at a concert venue (especially the 02 Dublin) before the concert starts, as the crowd begins to gather and I am with my friends feeling so excited I could burst.
  • Certain beaches after dark, walking with people I care about. Magheroarty Beach after a light sculpture trail comes to mind, with the shine of the light house in the distance every minute or so.
aug 5 2010 ∞
aug 5 2010 +