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Listening to your voice brings comfort to my heart, it's like I was born to carry all this love I feel for you, it fits perfectly in my heart, just like you. Your voice is capable of waking me up from the worst nightmares and making me get rid of the worst feelings. You voice guides me through the darkness and makes me find the peace and safety I've always looked for.

It's not like I feel enough for someone as splendid as you, because I know I'll never be everything you deserve, but I also know that what I feel for you shouldn't be overlooked or diminished in any way, it's one of the most intense and true feelings that human beings are capable of having, even though I'm sure it crosses the limits the word "capable" sets.

Once again I'd like to thank you for existing. I believe this sentence will be in every text, in my daily thoughts, every day you show me something new that makes me thankful for living in the same time as you. Wonwoo, you're capable of bringing my most sincere laughs and smiles, sometimes you do it without even meaning to. Just seeing you feeling good about yourself, happy inside your own bubble, makes me the happiestp erson in the world.

I could cross the ocean carrying the world on my back just to see you smile, I'd fight everything and everyone so your bubble of happiness would never be corrupted and even less your pure and sincere personality. I find you perfect in all of your shapes, all of your ways, I find you perfect in every second and I love you for being exactly who you are.

jul 2 2017 ∞
aug 7 2018 +