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My precious flower boy. I keep asking myself what was your reaction when you found out the meaning of each flower in the encyclopedia, I ask myself if your eyes shined, if you laughed alone in excitment... I ask myself if you know the meaning of the most precious flower that ever existed in the world, it's an unique, precious and rare one, there's no other even slightly like it, this flower is called Jeon Wonwoo, it means strenght, good mood, happiness, elegancy, shyness, intelligence, splendor/brilliance/magnificence and purity. Among all flowers, this is my favorite, it has an unique smell, a magnificent shape that was never seen before and it is priceless.

You inspire me to fix little things in me that I never thought I'd find a way to fix, thanks to you I am no longer someone in pieces, I'm whole. I've said this before but I'll say it again: you have the exact shape to complete me.

I know I met an angel and I was grace with your light the first time I saw you smile, your shining smile, your tight little eyes and the little wrinkes in your nose (which I love so much), your head tilted backwards... In that moment, I knew my life would never be the same mas I never suspected that what I feel for you would be so strong. I never thought I'd find myself lost in your smile, I never imagined myself completely dependent of your light, you atract me and show me your colors and make me fall even more in love with you. I love every little piece of you. I know I had trouble assuming and accepting all this but once I did it, I have never felt so full and happy as I feel right now.

jul 6 2017 ∞
aug 7 2018 +