!!!This is just an order of some important events (some smaller than others) hence "fleshy skeleton".!!!

  • Story opening in an afternoon that eases into a night party.
  • Lana plays "dress up" with Halinka for the first time onscreen.
  • Fishing with Leo and Halinka.
  • Leo and Nikola's bar fight.
  • Leo breaks up with Milana and Milana confides in Mikhail.
  • An orchestra performance.
  • Leo and Florian confess to each other.
  • Florian translates some concerning things from illegal news tapes.
  • Kim (Nikola's favorite dog) dies.
  • A particularly rough night for Nikola out on the town.
  • Nikola's father gives him an extremely harsh talking to.
  • Nikola has an outburst and batters Halink...
may 27 2023 ∞
may 30 2023 +

!!!My story takes advantage of an alternate historical timeline, (as a result many countries are rearranged or just gone entirely) so to simplify things I will state the areas in relation to where they would roughly be in the real world instead.!!!

  • Nikola's Family Home (Modern day South Eastern Poland near the Ukrainian border.)
  • Homeless and Traveling (From Modern day South Eastern Poland to North Eastern Ukraine.)
  • Angel and Walter's apartment. (Modern day Ukraine near the Russian border.)
  • Traveling with Angel and Walter. (Near the modern Russia-Ukraine border to Moscow.)
  • Return to Angel and Walter's apartment. (Moscow to the modern day Ukraine near the Russian border.)
may 27 2023 ∞
dec 4 2023 +