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Fan Fiction Rec(order)
not necessarily recommendations, just a record of fics i've read.
★ – favorites/highly recommend
✦ – reading/haven't finished
✿ – haven't read yet/interested


James Potter/Regulus Black (Jegulus | StarChaser)

note: please mind the tags when you click on the links, some are rated E for explicit.

In the cave, Regulus doesn’t beg for it to stop. He begs not be left behind, alone.

Perhaps this is why, when Kreacher gives one last look over his shoulder and sees terrible, pale hands reaching for his master, he appears in a flash at Regulus’ side, clutches him by the elbow, and Apparates them both out of the cave, directly disobeying his master’s last order.

British modern high school AU where James is the popular jock/ football star and Regulus is the quiet artist who couldn't be less bothered by status or popularity.

They work on a project together. Pining ensues.

James Potter adored the concept of soulmates. In a world as big and crowded as his, he found comfort in the knowledge that out there, somewhere, there was at least one person whose soul suited his own perfectly.

He was irrevocably fortunate that he found his while attempting to study for his Chemistry test.

Years after Regulus loses his brother they're reunited, and as he struggles to figure out where he fits in Sirius's life he also struggles not to get lost in the impossible feelings he has for Sirius's best friend.

Regulus and James are a couple. James is the last person to realise this.

Regulus asks James for a favor to get his ex off of his back, and James makes bad choices.

jul 17 2023 ∞
sep 2 2023 +