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Fan Fiction Rec(order)
not necessarily recommendations, just a record of fics i've read.
★ – favorites/highly recommend
✦ – reading/haven't finished
✿ – haven't read yet/interested

listography NEW NEWS


note: please mind the tags when you click on the links, some are rated E for explicit.

Matsukawa Issei/Hanamaki Takahiro (MatsuHana)

As with many things in his life, Hanamaki Takahiro’s soulmark was related to a meme. More specifically, a vine. Soulmates aside, he knew from the moment he discovered those words printed along the inside of his left arm that the man who had completed his reference without a moment’s hesitation was the perfect person for him.

"Are you gonna stop staring at my mouth, or do I have to tell you that it’s making me feel oddly self-conscious despite the fact that I’ve known you for three years and you do this kind of shit all the time?"

“So let me get this straight. Our friend, who you’ve been in love with since high school, asked if you wanted to get married for tax reasons. And you said yes?”

“Well, when you put it that way I sound like a moron.”

Hirugami Sachirou/Hoshiumi Kourai (HiruHoshi)

Sachirou's upset and Kourai wants to know why

Navigating friendship in your teenage years is a breeze, according to Hoshiumi Kourai.

Yaku Morisuke/Nishinoya Yuu (YakuNoya)

One glance up at Yaku Morisuke, and Nishinoya is bewitched by a wildcat. Two liberos who find freedom in different paths.

Iwaizumi Hajime/Miya Atsumu (AtsuIwa)

Miya Atsumu has a fat crush on athletic trainer Iwaizumi Hajime and he has to do something about that.

Hoshiumi Kourai/Hinata Shoyo (HoshiHina)

"I just want a tattoo like yours," Shouyou says, stepping closer.

"Do you want to be me that much?" Hoshiumi jests, still catching light.

Kita Shinsuke/Miya Atsumu (AtsuKita)

Staying friends with Kita, even after they break up, is easy, so easy. Until it's not.

Miya Atsumu/Hinata Shoyo (AtsuHina)

You're probably wondering how Atsumu ended up here.

Sawamura Daichi/Kuroo Tetsurou (KuroDai)

Two teams of criminals have converged on Date Castle for the same prize, but more than the Iron Crown might get stolen today.

Sawamura Daichi/Sugawara Koushi (DaiSuga)

Daishou Suguru/Kuroo Tetsurou (KuroShou)

Inside a photo album inside a shoebox inside a drawer inside the house he visits for holidays only, there is a picture of Suguru, before Tetsurou.

Hirugami Sachirou

a story about a dog, a boy, and how lost things can still be found.

Schweiden Adlers Gen Fic

the five times the Adlers tried having game nights and the one time it actually worked.

Miya Atsumu & Miya Osamu Gen Fic

Alternatively, how Atsumu comes to a realization about his relationship with Osamu thanks to hair dye.

Atsumu religiously listens to Lady Gaga.

Like, more than religiously. Borderline obsessively.

Osamu had to deal with it while they were growing up. As soon as they were able to wipe their own asses, Atsumu had grown to have an affinity for Lady Gaga and any song she released. Their mother had thought it was cute, Osamu thought about how he wanted to put Atsumu in a chokehold.

What does happiness feel like?

A story told by a twin from a broken promise, an achieved dream and hands that craft love with every touch.

Hinata Shoyo Centric Fic (Gen)


Hoshiumi Kourai & Oikawa Tooru (Gen)

he lands onto the ground with a bang, loud as wonder.

Haiba Lev & Alexander Yoffe (Gen)

Alexander Yoffe isn't really sure how he ended up in Asahi's office, or why everyone thinks he's Russian.

aug 22 2021 ∞
jun 4 2024 +