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Fan Fiction Rec(order)
not necessarily recommendations, just a record of fics i've read.
★ – favorites/highly recommend
✦ – reading/haven't finished
✿ – haven't read yet/interested

listography NEW NEWS

Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Soukoku)

note: please mind the tags when you click on the links, some are rated E for explicit.

the one where Dazai’s been a Port Mafia spy all along

in which two boys forced to grow up too fast talk about the past, the present, and everything else that lies ahead.

Dazai is possessive, and Chuuya will always indulge him.

Snow White AU. In order to thwart Queen (?) Fyodor’s assassination attempts on him, Snow White Dazai insists on fake-dating the Grumpiest Dwarf Chuuya.

When Dazai woke, it was with the horrible realization that he’d managed to sleep through the night. He kept his eyes closed and tried to figure out what had happened to land him in a slug’s unfortunately very comfy bed.

By twelve, Chuuya would kill for him. By fourteen, Chuuya would go to war for him. By sixteen, Chuuya was ready to die for him. By eighteen, Chuuya was ready to destroy everything to save Dazai.

And isn't that just the problem.

“I said that you could do anything to me.” Dazai shifts on the bed. “So could you—”

Chuuya presses a chaste kiss to the back of Dazai’s hand, at the bisector where bandages meet skin. “Nope.”

Chuuya gets out from Poe's book, and pays a visit to his ex-partner.

Chuuya never knew guessing Dazai's password would lead to all of his current dilemmas.

“In that other world, the original… What’s it like? Are you happy?” Dazai just stared at him, so Chuuya kept talking. “Because I’m kind of sick of seeing you sad, you asshole. Tell me. Are you happy?” “…I’m trying to be.” Chuuya smiled. That was enough, wasn’t it? He thought it was.

In which Chuuya learns he should be more careful with his wishes

He absolutely shouldn't have lowered his weapon and allowed Dazai to walk forward just because of the way he said his name, just because of the way his stupidly well-conditioned body responded to the familiar tone of his voice. Just like how Dazai shouldn't be so obsessed with committing suicide, shouldn't have left the mafia, shouldn't have come back just to break Chuuya's heart again. There were a lot of things they shouldn't do, but they never were ones to listen to common sense.

“Listen, what I’m about to say is insane, but I have amnesia.”

Chuuya blinks for a second, a beat passing, before he tries to slam the door on Dazai’s face._

Chuuya wakes up to a world where he witnesses Yokohama’s most beloved couple – Dazai and Oda, also known as soukoku – complete their good deed for the day, holding hands as they do so.

Chuuya wakes up to a world where—he’s supposed to be fighting Russian Fy o d—no, he’s supposed to be the benevolent boss of the Port Mafia. Wakes up to a world where everything is—wrong.

chuuya is seven different languages all on his own. dazai is fluent in four, five – wholly by accident – and now, six, by necessity.

the corruption takes its toll on chuuya, and dazai converses with the ward's liveliest convalescent.

“Oi, Dazai. We’re here.” Chuuya reached into the car to shake Dazai’s shoulders a bit, rearranging his coat to lay over the man’s back. Dazai swayed and blinked up at him. Whatever painkillers he’d been given had stolen the sharpness from his face. Dazai looked fifteen again, wide-eyed and vulnerable.

And then he smiled. He smiled and Chuuya’s heart stuttered because it was so fucking real, so small and different from all the painted faces he wore now.

This was dangerous.

Chuuya said kindness like he wasn’t, for all his violence, still the kindest thing in the universe to have ever touched Dazai. To have known him, even at the height of his cruelty, and touch him softly now, in spite of it.

Dazai’s lips were warm and wet under his, and Chuuya felt strength sing in his core as he cupped the sides of Dazai’s jaw to seal the moment in place. He lost himself in the sensation, in the push-pull between them made physical and real. He swallowed the sounds that crept up Dazai’s throat and wanted more.

It hurt, and yet, it was also vaguely welcome— that heavy, wet feeling almost like an embrace. Over the years pain had become a reliable sort of presence in Dazai’s life, it was the only constant.

Dazai hated this.

The feeling of being here.

He shifted where he was curled on his futon, and the way his skin rubbed against each other made him want to hurl.

That fat, that incessant unyielding fat that just refused to come off-

He hated it.

He wanted it off.

Or the one where Chuuya and Dazai take down a gambling ring.

Chuuya is missing. Dazai is handling it the best way he knows how. That is to say, he doesn't handle it well at all.

Dazai has long since known that he'd die either by his own hand or Chuuya's.

He just never thought the end would come like this.

Alternatively: local brilliant strategist has a slight meltdown over small uncontrollable part of everyday life

The 5 times Dazai tried to get arrested and get into Chuuya's pants and the 1 time Chuuya let himself be cuffed for life.

“Four months from now will be the seven year anniversary of when you and Osamu Dazai released your hugely successful first and only album Double Black and its diamond single Corruption. After performing with Dazai earlier this year, are you planning anything special to celebrate?”

“Corruption is insanely overrated, and I would prefer to never hear Dazai’s voice for the rest of my fucking life.”

Dazai was afflicted with a curse and the only way to lift it is by kissing the person who loved him the most.

Naturally he took the chance to laugh at everyone's expense.

BEAST!Chuuya crosses to the original BSD world, and realizes many things.

Something was wrong.

Something had been wrong for several days now, and Dazai still couldn’t pinpoint just what it was that kept making his chest ache so horribly. He felt like he was slowly dying, his very being swallowed up by the gaping hole that had opened up where a normal human’s heart would be.

“Chuuya,” Dazai started again. The ache was back, amplified by the sight of such a loathsome hatrack, and Dazai swallowed around the lump obstructing his throat. “Chuuya, I think I’m dying.”

There's a certain kind of loneliness in the act of killing the other half of your soul.

Chuuya used to think he'd be done grieving at sixteen. Now, at twenty two, he understands there is no end.

He has a body too small for all this pain.

An AU where Chuuya is the champion of Durmstrang, Dazai of Hogwarts, and their meeting and what follows.

feb 3 2022 ∞
apr 24 2024 +