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Fan Fiction Rec(order)
not necessarily recommendations, just a record of fics i've read.
★ – favorites/highly recommend
✦ – reading/haven't finished
✿ – haven't read yet/interested

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Tian Guan Ci Fu (TGCF) | Heaven Official's Blessing (HOB)

note: please mind the tags when you click on the links, some are rated E for explicit.

Hua Cheng/Xie Lian (HuaLian)

In which Xie Lian is the Mercy everyone makes fun of, Hua Cheng is the Death no one would dare to mock and Shi WuDu, Ling Wen and Pei Ming are so done with this shitshow. Sorta Hades and Persephone AU.

He Xuan gets dragged into a love triangle he never wanted to be part of.

Xian Le has a prince and needs money. Ghost City’s king has money and wants a prince. It is, as they say in the lawless land of the dead, a perfect business opportunity.

A story in which a ghost is very, very gay and very, very in love - so much he follows along without a protest when the object of his eight hundreds years old affection decides to get married out of the blue in the middle of ghost hunting mission. After all, it’s not like Crimson Rain could ever refuse anything to His Highness the Crown Prince of Xian Le anyway.

Early canon divergence in which White No Face doesn't appear, Xian Le never falls and Xie Lian remains a high ranked general trying to live his sexless god life in peace, until Hua Cheng happens.

Xie Lian investigates a hole in the wall of his shrine and gets himself stuck. After being saved from his predicament by Hua Cheng, Xie Lian becomes aware of his true destiny, which is to get stuck again and have Hua Cheng fuck him while he’s in there.

He Xuan/Shi Qingxuan (Beefleaf)

Shi Wudu has a debt he still haven't been able to repay, He Xuan comes like death knocking on his door, and Shi Qingxuan offers himself for the meantime.

And gods, He Xuan is tired.

shi qingxuan is the new cashier at retail, and he xuan is just strange.

shi qingxuan tries to make things right.

shi qingxuan and ming yi get it down in the earth temple.

Their paths cross again in a town by the seaside.

He Xuan/Shi Wudu (ShuangShui)

a modern shuangshui tale

Circumstances required a meeting between He Xuan and Shi Wudu; sexual intercourse ensues. Events are set at the beginning of beefleaf's friendship.

Day 2. Theme: Calamity.

Shi Wudu was a hard man to please, and a harder man to earn the heart. But slowly, steadily like the earth, the Earth Master dug his way through his defenses. It was hard to justify the feelings, really, they were much more a nick in his pride, as his distaste for the fellow elemental master was well known in the whole heavenly capital. He hated to like the Earth Master that way; hated he desired him that way. Pride wouldn't allow for his haughty facade to drop, and face the possibility of rejection by the Earth Master would wound less than an actual rejection and the terrible gossip that would follow. So, the flowers came.

Hua Cheng/Qi Rong (HuaRong)

Hua Cheng learns Qi Rong's true identity and sees his original appearance. Qi Rong discovers a weakness. Neither plans too far ahead.

Feng Xin/Mu Qing (FengQing)

“I’m going to kill you,” Feng Xin says furiously, glaring at the dismembered corpse of the incubus. “It fucking bit me – you were supposed to have my back, you piece of shit – it fucking bit me!”

Feng Xin/Mu Qing/Pei Ming

Pei Ming had better grovel at his fucking feet to make up for this. Honestly. (Who wouldn't jump at a chance to dual-cultivate with the two Gods of the South?)

Ling Wen & Pei Ming & Shi Wudu (Three Tumors)

Someone thought it was a good idea to abandon a baby by Pei Ming's doorstep. It was not.

aug 22 2021 ∞
mar 25 2024 +