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If i get murdered and my face is so mangled that i am unrecognizable, here are a few tips in identifying my body! thanks loved ones!

  • my left arm does not extend as much as my right
  • I have a million scars, but the one on my inner right thigh is the biggest.
  • my left thumb has a vertical maroonish stripe(weird)
  • I've got a monroe!who needs the peircing when you have the real thing.its really just a big ugly mole above the left side of my mouth.
  • my teeth are ridiculously straight to the point where my dentist wants me to where braces so i can have a little over bite. what the hell?
  • my hair will give my identity away easily. its very huge and very black.
may 21 2008 ∞
mar 10 2010 +