• Abril: a shit month..got a job..got my phone stolen...lmao espero q mayo sea mejor.
  • Mayo: cant remember anything about this month lmao
  • Junio: another shit month to be honest ..got overwhelmed trying to balance out job and homework..anyways i failed lmao
  • Julio: i fucking failed everything fuck
  • Agosto: my birthday and it wasn't really a goood one...anywayssdsdads another shit month
  • Septiembre: lmfao i dont even remember what happened in this month lolol but i know it was the last month i worked
  • Octubre: FUCK THIS MONTH i realised im going to fail all of my courses, and it was halloween and of course i didnt do anything.
  • Noviembre: if all of the other months were shit, of course this one wasn't the exception. I failed two courses, didn't turn my intern report in time so now i have 0 credits and i have to work 6 months again in order to graduate.
  • Diciembre: i wouldn't say this was a good month, but i think i kind of manage to decide what im going to do from now on. I started drawing again, clean my room,i strated to search for a job, what sucks is that for some reason i decided to not go to an interview for a job that was absolutely made for me lmao and now im dying inside bc not of the other jobs seem good enough and im not even called for any interviews so whatever. Anyways it was an ok month.
may 1 2017 ∞
jul 11 2020 +