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even if it may be a bloodstained wasteland;
even if i'll have to do it alone;
our "ousama" is useless, so...
it'll be a pain, but i'll duel on his behalf.

listography TERMS

Sit down, and buckle up. I'm going to talk about Tsukasa. Please don't read this if you don't want a lot of cheesy shit.

Tsukasa is such a dork, going about wanting to be spoiled, all the while doing his best trying to be mature. Also, whenever he speaks english, it kills me. He doesn't get enough attention... I hope he gets all the love he deserves.

He may seem a little rude, insulting others without the intention to, but, just give him a little bit of attention and he'll just, warm up.

I love Suou Tsukasa so much. His admiration for Knights is literally so heartwarming. The fact that he did everything he could to make sure Knights wouldn't disband, was remarkable. He was so worried that he was Knights' greatest weakness, was so worried that he was a burden. It shows how much he truly cares about Knights.

He doesn't just want to be a part of Knights, but someone his big brothers can see as equals. He doesn't want to keep being the greenie, he truly wants to stand with his big brothers. And, that's so sweet.

He feels like he's not good enough for Knights, but I want him to know that he is irreplaceable. He is an important part of Knights, and dare I say, loved by all of its members. And, he really cares for his big brothers! He's such a concerned and caring kouhai.

I like the headcanon where all of Knights try to keep him untainted and refrain from letting him become one of the spoils of war like the original Knights once were. They are like such a good family, I love them so much.

Whenever I see the rest of Knights doing their best to support Tsukasa, I just die a little inside. Loving Tsukasa made me love all of Knights equally. They're all such great characters, and quite complex too. I'm glad they're taking such good care of my baby angel.

And!! His voice!! I love listening to his voice. I would spend literally hours just tapping on him in the home screen. Everytime I hear him sing, I just, melt. Yes.

He, makes me really happy? Like!! He makes me very happy, and I want him to be happy in return!! It might sound childish, but I really hope he's happy and great and healthy and all that!! I love him very much!! Please cherish my baby angel!! He means just, a looooot to me! I hate seeing him hurt, please give him all the love and affection he deserves!!

Even if he didn't come home after literally getting me broke, I still love him.

If you did read this, you must have a lot of time on your hands, huh... I'm impressed, and also embarrassed.

I always add more to this, haha.

jan 4 2017 ∞
jul 22 2017 +