Bye Children's Hospital Pain Clinic. I've followed all your ideas and orders for over 3 years now. And now I'm done. You have never made my pain any better or helped me cope with it. You've constantly screwed me over but I've always been too afraid to try and find another "team" of doctors, as you say you are. I put my life in my hands and you ruined it. Just fucking ruined what was left of my life.

You basically kicked me out of the hospital and ignored me for months because I refused to go to physical therapy. I came crawling back and had to fight so hard to get the medicine that was helping me.

Fast forward to today. I'm still following all orders and nothing has helped. I said so and mentioned that the pain has made me suicidal. The nurse called my psychiatrist, who said I should either go to that ER or head to WPIC. I said I wasn't comfortable doing either and that I (and my mom) felt I would be safe and wouldn't hurt myself. I mean, I went today to get injections to lessen my pain. If I had gotten those, no big deal. But that's when hospital police were called. I was told that I could go to Western Psych either voluntarily or be forced and taken in. I chose voluntarily... and was driven there in a cop car. Luckily, the intake nurse at WPIC actually LISTENED to what I was feeling and I was free to go home. They even agreed with me that I have not received the care I've needed.

This has been one of the worst days of my life and my trust and respect for doctors are completely gone. My wishes and concerns were ignored and I had to put up with so much bullshit because of one comment I made. I never even got my shots or a higher dosage of medicine.

jan 26 2017 ∞
jan 26 2017 +