• Nancy's room is so pretty; love the wallpaper! It has all the whimsy and personality Eleven's never been allowed to express :'(
  • imagine being as thoroughly socioemotionally traumatized as Eleven such that so many things are triggering; she deserves the world
  • love the solidarity between the kids; when Mike got hurt with that rock after that bully pushed him they repurposed it as a "monster killer" - they're so individually resilient and caring towards each other; warms my heart
  • so many good shots and scene transitions on this show - transition between the red bulb in the darkroom and the Christmas lights is gorge
  • why Winona Ryder didn't win dozens of Emmys for her performance in s1 of Stranger Things I'll never understand; she absolutely captured; all the ferocity and frenetic love of a desperate parent perfectly
  • Will's been through so much hiding out in a place that's "like home but it's so dark and empty" inhabited by a murderous chthonian hellbeast - I hope to see the consequences and implications of his experience explored
  • Hopper is so damn good at his job even though he's a total wreck which is frankly inspirational
  • I love all the opening shots of this show that start with the dark, starry midwestern sky
  • one of my fav things abt stranger things is how it seamlessly & logically interweaves the cultural & empirical elements of sci-fi & fantasy - like how the Upside-Down has a scientific basis but is understood through the fantasy elements of the kids' D&D games as well, which give it a moral component too, and cast everyone interacting in it as specific tropes, which they embrace while still being unique - "the princess," "the knight," etc.
  • I like the cut from the present where everyone at the supermarket is giving Eleven the side-eye for being so dirty to her memory of all the scientists in the room before she was submerged in the tank again. her fundamental mistrust of people, adults in particular, runs very deep
  • nancy's effect on steve
  • re: eleven hate
  • re: nancy hate
  • more on nancy & eleven's arcs + hate
  • on kali's plotline
  • on steve/nancy early s2
  • on The Lost Sister
  • on Max's development
oct 19 2017 ∞
oct 16 2020 +