• Copyright is good, but it kills creativity and desire to create.
  • Without high expectations, there will be no disappointment.
  • Lack of critical thinking skills tends to beget misguided/blind anger.
  • Each generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it.
  • Humanity will eventually fight against what it was fighting for.
  • They care only about clot of cells, not about the actual children.
  • Society creates monsters and then gets scared of them.
  • The centuries-long history of female oppression has led to men being offended when women treat them the same way they treat them.
  • Homophobes only have a man's ass in their minds.
  • You need to remember, but you don’t need to repeat and go back to basics.
  • My sexuality is not a core part of my identity. I don’t purposely flaunt it. And I sure as hell don’t need a stranger’s validation for why it’s okay.
  • Everyone is looking for a second half, but I was born complete.
  • Humanity's history is like digging under yourself, finding new disgusting bottom, and turning the previous one an air, finding gems and mud on their way.
  • Your ancestors might have fought for "Freedom of Speech", but not for "Freedom of Consequences".
  • People don't want to hear your opinion. They want to hear their opinion coming out of your mouth.
  • If someone calls you stupid, you rightly should be offended, but that doesn't mean you can start a campaign to prevent people from using the word "stupid".
  • If someone can't control their emotions, they will seek to control the actions of others.
  • Being offended doesn't mean you're right.
  • Everyone is for free speech until they hear something they don't like.
  • There's a difference between hate speech and speech that you hate.
  • They say it's wonderful to have children, and then abandon them when they don't live up to their expectations.
  • Why do some of these people think they're sexual preference should be my business for some reason? I don't think my sexuality should be anybody's business except my own and whoever I'm giving the business to.
  • Mental illness and social media is a terrible combination.
  • Your psychological problems are not your fault, but your responsibility. You can't justify your behavior with your problems.
  • Patriotism is love for the people, the nature of the country, and support of all other countries. Hatred of all other countries and their populations is Nazism.
  • It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it.
  • There's a feeling that people are afraid of being cringe. But I will say this, when you accept it in yourself, you are free.
  • Don't put on a show if you can't handle the audience.
  • Attempting to make adult spaces kid friendly instead of making kids their own spaces is idiotic and hurts everyone.
  • All the words that are now considered prophetic are not really prophetic, it’s just that the person who said them was not an idiot and saw the truth.
  • People with enough resources live comfortably because they don’t need to adapt so they make people adapt to them.
  • Somehow acceptance always ends up as glorification.
dec 30 2022 ∞
jan 22 2025 +