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hello stranger, twoeleven: aquarius. sydney, australia. filipino, INFJ. art. nature. ideas. infinite. lefty. wabi-sabi. spirit. eldest of 3. art. nature. documentaries. food. sleep. ideas. something effulgent. i'm really good at clapping.

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Questions to think about ;D

  • what would you rather be doing right now? schedule some time in your calendar?
  • what are your plans, goals, dreams? are you creating action steps towards it?
  • are you expressing yourself fully? from the thinks you make, things you do, words you say?
  • is your heart, body and mind open?
  • what are the barriers from keeping you fully you?
  • are you a divine being, part of the source, * having a unique persective and experience just like everyone else?
  • are you excited for your infinite expansion?
  • what makes a vibrant life?
  • massive action vs analysis paralysis?
  • is your mind open to wonder and change?
  • are you ready to learn new exciting things?
  • how big and open is your heart?
  • are you ready to forgive?
  • what is your ultimate condition, attitude, being? are u that now?
  • have you taken some time to be breathe, be still, be with nature?
  • what is real / truth? are they all just made up, given meaning?
  • what is one Yes step you can do now towards happy?
  • why are we each unique?
  • what do you choose to empower in your life?
  • what are you focusing on?
  • are you being authentic?
  • do you like the sound of rain, the scent of rainforest, the feel of summer breeze, the movement of the waves crashing? the taste of ripe mangoes? Mmmmm
  • are you aware, conscious, present?
  • have you surprised yourself recently?
  • do you practice a beneficial ritual?
  • how do you define yourself? what are your standards?
  • foundation and ground work for soaring ideas and plans, what is required for that to occur?
  • why so serious? haha
  • how much mystery and magic do you have in your life?
  • what are your treats and pleasures? what makes you thrive?
  • how about living an authentic life?
  • are you putting your joy and bliss a priority?
  • have you noticed how things are so ephemeral transient fleeting?
  • how often do you tap into the ever present creative energy?
  • are your thoughts lively? and independent?
  • have you set some new goals? new intentions?
  • what STORY do you want to tell/write?
  • isn't it about time to REDEFINE everything?
  • your life is your MESSAGE, what is that message?
jan 1 2013 ∞
oct 7 2013 +