• quiet coffee shop in Paris (with a bomb)
  • Bus (with a bomb)
  • Skyscraper (with a bunch of bombs)
  • Skyscraper (with a giant UFO laser blast)
  • Tenement Building (with a bomb)
  • Tenement Building (with some sorta McGuyver style rigged electrical explosive)
  • Drug Warehouse (by crashing a truck into something)
  • Drug Warehouse (with a giant ass gun)
  • helicopter (with a handgun)
  • helicopter (with a rocket launcher)
  • helicopter (with a machine gun)
  • plane in midflight (biting it Godzilla style)
  • plane in midflight (throwing it King-Kong Style)
  • Godzilla (with a Magneto-Ray)
  • a human's head (with a bomb surgically inserted behind the eyes)
  • a human (with an expando-ray)
  • a human
    (by throwing a grenade back to the thrower)
  • a human [A Drug Lord] (by somehow sneaking a bomb meant for me, into a briefcase he'd think was filled with money!)
  • a human (with my MIND)
  • a human (by tossing them into the vacuum of space)
  • tank (with another tank)
  • tank (with my mind ..again)
  • tank (with a rocket launcher)
  • tank (with a high tech laser beam)
  • tank (somehow stuffing the cannon, so that it blows itself up)
  • truck filled with terrorists (with a rocket launcher)
  • truck filled with hostages (with a machine gun)
  • a missile in mid flight (with my laser vision)
  • a missile in mid flight (with my super punches)
  • a seagull (with alka-seltzer)
  • a peaceful marketplace (with bombs strapped to my chest)
  • a girl's butt (because its small and i want it bigger)
  • a fat person (because they're always just about to)
  • a balloon (with a pin)
  • a crying baby in a movie theatre
  • a giant robot
  • a secret evil mastermind's secret lair (with its own self-destruct sequence)
  • a secret evil mastermind's secret lair (by exploiting a runaway chemical reaction)
  • a nuclear reactor (with a nuclear meltdown)
  • a country (because my country doesn't like the other country?)
  • a fancy car (with a bomb)
  • a whole bunch of cars (with a rocket launcher)
  • a whole army's technology (with my MIND)
oct 12 2007 ∞
oct 12 2007 +