- Chen/Kai/Suho
- Voyeur
- (NC-17) Jongin is a voyeur.
- D.O/Kai/Luhan
- D.O/Kai/Sehun
- D.O/Kai/Suho
- Eat You Up
- (NC-17) Dessert is never as tasty as when they eat it off Kyungsoo.
- In Motion
- (NC-17) Dance rooms and horny boys go hand in hand.
- Veni, Vidi, Vici
- (NC-17) (Sequel to Taste) Whatever he expected to see - and hear - it definitely wasn't EXO-K's leader butt naked, legs spread and head tilted to the side, watching him with hooded eyes, back against the wall and his fingers curled into Kyungsoo's hair, while Kyungsoo is clearly sucking him off and enjoying it if the noisy slurps and moans are anything to go by.
- Voyeuristic Intentions
- (NC-17) Jongin brings home Joonmyun for Kyungsoo.
- D.O/Kris/Lay
- D.O/Luhan/Xiumin
- Payback
- (NC-17) Kyungsoo values his sleep and Minseok his privacy and they don't take lightly to having both messed with.
- Kai/Kris/Luhan
- Kai/Lay/Sehun
- Get In Between
- (NC-17) Yixing and Sehun have been in cahoots about something the whole day, sliding each other smirks and knowing looks. Jongin's been anticipating this for a while.
- Kai/Luhan/Sehun
- Kai/Sehun/Suho
- Kai/Suho/Tao
- Kris/Lay/Luhan
- Lay/Luhan/Xiumin
- Life is a Highway
- (NC-17) In which Yixing can't say no to Luhan, Luhan is a cunning bastard and Minseok just wants to get laid.
- Sehun/Suho/Tao
- In the Dirt
- (NC-17) Tao is in heat and Sehun isn't enough to satisfy him.
- Other:
- D.O/Everyone
- Kai/Everyone
- Kris/Everyone
- Sehun/Everyone
- Suho/Everyone
- Cookie
- (NC-17) Joonmyun is his groupmates' favorite when it comes to target practice.
- Xiumin/Everyone
- Loving You + Xiumin/EXO-M
- (NC-17) EXO-M shows Minseok how much they love him during his birthday.
- Sehun
- Tao
oct 12 2013 ∞
mar 23 2014 +