
  • "Até que eu pudesse dizer tudo isso sorrindo, para mim, foi preciso, no mínimo, de um litro de lágrimas." - Ichi rittoru no namida
  • "I want to believe that I'm not wrong. I want to believe that life isn't full of darkness. Even if storms come to pass, the sun will shine again. No matter how painful and hard the rain may beat down on me." - Fruits Basket
  • "To forgive or not to forgive... are those my only choices?" - Fruits Basket
  • "I think when you hear someone say they like you, for the first time, then you can begin to like yourself. I think when someone accepts you, for the first time, you feel like you can forgive yourself a little. You can begin to face your fears with courage." - Fruits Basket
  • "It's all very simple. But maybe because it's so simple, it's also hard." - Fruits Basket
  • "It's not that I've suddenly become stronger or that something has changed. I'm still shaking. But... We don't have to let those fears stop us. What's most important is that we try to rise above our weakness." - Fruits Basket
  • "Loss... All sorts of pain... He never thought about it. The tourist never thought of himself. And even though he's an idiot to lots of people, to me, he's not an idiot at all. A lot of people would take the chance to cheat him, but I would never do that. I would want to make him happy, and that's all." - Fruits Basket
  • "Perhaps I can offer some advice? ... When you get anxiety about the future it's better not to think about it. For example let's say, Tohru-kun, that you are surrounded with a mountain of laundry piled so high around your feet that you can't move. Are you with me? Now, let's assume you don't have a washing machine, so you have to wash everything individually by hand. You would be at a loss for what to do, right? You'd worry about if you could ever wash everything, if you could get it all clean, if you'd ever have time for anything but laundry ever again! The more you'd think about it, the more anxious you'd get. But the time keeps passing, and the laundry doesn't wash itself. So what do you do, Tohru-kun? It might be a good idea to start washing the laundry right at your feet. Of course it's important to think about what lies ahead, too, but if you only look at what's down the road you'll get tangled in the laundry at your feet and you'll fall, won't you? You see, it's also important to think about what you can do now, what you can do today. And if you keep washing things one at a time, you'll be done before you know it. Because fortune is looking out for you. Sometimes the anxiety will start to well up, but when it does, take a little break. Read a book, watch TV, or eat soumen with everyone." - Fruits Basket
  • "I have to try my best or I'll become worse and worse. Even if I can't make up with them. Even if they all ignore me. I still have to try my best." - Fruits Basket
  • "I really don't want to say things such as "I want to go back to how things were before". I recognize how I am right now, and I will continue to live on." - Ichi rittoru no namida
  • "Even though I have been hurt before by those heartless glares this also helped me to understand that around me, there still exists some gentle glares. Therefore, I definitely won't run away. That's what I'll do. Definitely. Always." - Ichi rittoru no namida
  • "If you look up at the sky after falling down the blue sky is also today stretching limitlessly and smiles at me... I'm alive." - Ichi rittoru no namida
  • "For those people who are really listening, they will definitely understand." - Ichi rittoru no namida
  • "As long as its you saying it, no matter how slowly you say it, i’ll still listen. If you can’t talk on the phone, then i’ll come see you. If you want to walk, no matter how slow it’ll be, i’ll walk with you." - Ichi rittoru no namida


  • "I, the soul called Wanderer, love you, human Ian. And that will never change, no matter what I might be. If I were a Dolphin or a Bear or a Flower, it wouldn't matter. I would always love you, always remember you. You will be my only partner." - The host
  • "Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet." - Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life
  • "No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path." - Sayings Of Buddha
  • "As children we were fascinated by magic. As adults we fear love. At what point did we forget they are the same thing?" - J.R. Rogue (Word porn)
  • "Quando Pedro me fala de Paulo, sei mais de Pedro do que de Paulo" - Freud
  • "But when we really delve into the reasons for why we can’t let something go, there are only two: an attachment to the past or a fear for the future." - Marie Kondo
  • "If the ocean can calm itself, so can you. We are both salt water mixed with air." - Meditation
  • "Do not bring people into your life who weigh you down. And trust your instincts. Good relationships feel good. They feel right. They don't hurt." - Michelle Obama
  • "Love is how you stay alive, even after you are gone." - Mitch Albom
  • "Quando a alma está feliz, a prosperidade cresce, a saúde melhora, as amizades aumentam. Enfim, o mundo fica de bem com você. O mundo exterior reflete o universo interior." - Mahatma Gandhi
  • "We all laugh and learn and play together. That's what good friends do." - Pooh
  • "Nothing can go wrong if everything is right, and everything is right somehow." – Pooh
  • "Sobre tudo o que se deve guardar, guarda o teu coração, pois dele procedem as saídas da vida." - Provérbios 4:23
  • "A boca fala do que o coração está cheio."
  • "Tu julgarás a ti mesmo, respondeu-lhe o rei. É o mais difícil. É bem mais difícil julgar a si mesmo que julgar os outros. Se consegues julgar-te bem, eis um verdadeiro sábio." - O pequeno príncipe
  • "Esse aí seria desprezado por todos os outros, o rei, o vaidoso, o beberrão, o homem de negócios. No entanto, é o único que não me parece ridículo. Talvez porque é o único que se ocupa de outra coisa que não seja ele próprio." - O pequeno príncipe
  • "Se tu me cativas, minha vida será como que cheia de sol. Conhecerei um barulho de passos que será diferente dos outros. Os outros passos me fazem entrar debaixo da terra. O teu me chamará para fora da toca, como se fosse música." - O pequeno príncipe
  • "Vês, lá longe, os campos de trigo? O trigo pra mim é inútil. Os campos de trigo não me lembram coisa alguma. Então será maravilhoso quando me tiveres cativado. O trigo, que é dourado, fará lembrar-me de ti. E eu amarei o barulho do vento no trigo..." - O pequeno príncipe
  • "Se tu vens, por exemplo, às quatro da tarde, desde as três eu começarei a ser feliz. Quanto mais a hora for chegando, mais eu me sentirei feliz. Às quatro horas, então, estarei inquieta e agitada: descobrirei o preço da felicidade!" - O pequeno príncipe
  • "Era uma raposa igual a cem mil outras. Mas eu fiz dela um amigo. Ela é agora única no mundo." - O pequeno príncipe
  • "Só se vê bem com o coração. O essencial é invisível para os olhos." - O pequeno príncipe
  • "Foi o tempo que perdeste com a sua rosa que fez tua rosa tão importante." - O pequeno príncipe
  • "É bom ter tido um amigo, mesmo se a gente vai morrer." - O pequeno príncipe
  • "E quando te houveres consolado, tu te sentirás contente por me teres conhecido. Tu serás sempre meu amigo. Terás vontade de rir comigo. E abrirás às vezes a janela à toa, por gosto... E teus amigos ficarão espantados de ouvir-te rir olhando o céu." - O pequeno príncipe
  • "Pain nourishes courage. You can't be brave if you only had wonderful things happen to you."
  • "Eu sou inadequado, e agora? Vai deprimir por causa disso, ou vai rir?"
  • "The hardest part is what to leave behind. It's time to let go." - Pooh
  • "Pra onde vão os nossos silêncios quando deixamos de dizer o que sentimos?"
jan 14 2016 ∞
mar 16 2016 +