Q: What's your biological sex? A: That's none of your business.

Q: Are you a Democrat or a Republican? A: I'm certainly not a Democrat by any means but I wouldn't label myself a Republican, either. However many of my beliefs are far-right leaning.

Q: What's your sexuality? A: I don't believe I need to label it, and if it means anything to you, I have a boyfriend who I love very much.

Q: Are you part of the LGBTQ+ community? A: No, I am not. While I am a transgender person, I don't support the majority of ideologies that the community follows.

Q: How can you be trans and call yourself a Christian? A: In no way does my gender hinder my ability to follow Christ or worship the Lord. I don't let anything compromise my faith.

Q: What's your REAL name? A: It's Avery. Just because I don't use my birthname doesn't mean that Avery isn't my "real" name.

Q: Have you had sex change surgery or do you plan on having it? A: That is none of your business either.

Q: Do you support Trump? A: I'm indifferent about him. I neither hate nor like him.

Q: Thoughts on gay marriage in the Church? A: I don't think same-sex marriage should be allowed in the Church.

Q: Are you against homosexuality entirely? A: I firmly believe that homosexual relations are unnatural, just as straight anal sex is unnatural. I don't hold double standards--I believe both are equally wrong. There are straight sodomites, too. And before anyone calls me a homophobe, keep in mind that there are many health risks to anal sex and that it's generally very, very unsanitary. It has nothing to do with "hating gay people."

Q: Do you support sex workers? A: Nope.

nov 19 2018 ∞
feb 21 2019 +