8 billion people on this planet, yet all i need is Levin Niagara.

my mind is full of Levin Niagara.

besides chocolate, Levin Niagara is my favorite.

all i see is Levin Niagara rn.

wearing the smile Levin Niagara gave me.

Levin Niagara is driving me crazy.

Levin Niagara is the peter to my lara-jean.

grateful to have Levin Niagara in my life.

i still get butterflies even though I’ve seen Levin Niagara a hundred times.

like rain, i fell for Levin Niagara.


may 30 2020 ∞
may 30 2020 +

your health and happiness are the most important things.

gasuka liat kamu ngerasa capek sendiri. yaa kalau keliatan berlebihan atau alay gapapa deh, ilangin maluuuuu nya ya cheefa, aaa kabuurrrr •ᴗ•

may 30 2020 ∞
may 30 2020 +

jangan pergi, jangan ilang,

kalau levin pergi nanti cheefa nangis.

levin disini aja ya peluk cheefa tiap malem sambil nikmatin angin malam. nanti kita liat bintang sama bulan bareng bareng ya??

may 30 2020 ∞
may 30 2020 +

ini sebenernya aku bikin dari siang sama belajar tapi susah banget??? ga paham atuhda :((( maaf ya kalau aneh dan alay tapi ini lucu, cocok buat oacarku yg jelek mirip marmut :D

may 30 2020 ∞
may 30 2020 +
may 30 2020 ∞
may 30 2020 +
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jun 4 2020 ∞
jun 4 2020 +

ayo terapkan 3S

  • stay happy
  • stay healthy
  • stay with me


may 30 2020 ∞
may 30 2020 +

aku cuma mau kamu inget ini : ⠀⠀⠀⠀be the moon ⠀⠀and inspire people even when you're far from full

⸙͎۪۫ kamu boleh kok merasa capek sama semuaaa. kalau capek, levin datang ke cheefa ya? pundak sama pelukan cheefa ini kan selalu ada buat levin. jangan dipendem sendiri, berbagi sama cheefa mau?

may 30 2020 ∞
may 30 2020 +