• saturn | you explained the infinite, how rare and beautiful it is to even exist.
    • cosmos | você é a mais linda das estrelas, desde o núcleo até os raios.
    • 해바라기 | we create our own miracle.
    • cor de marte | ... pra galáxia que mora em você.
    • from here | my world ended once but begin again, born from just us two.
    • watch you sleep | we're safe here, under the sheets.
    • 우주를 줄게 | i carved your name on the planet i passed by.
    • intro: serendipity | the universe has moved for us.
    • 无羁 | the bright moon is still the same, so there is no need for sadness.
may 28 2020 ∞
may 31 2020 +