list icon
  • pick a place | put your finger to the map; find out how to get there
  • know where you're going | always make sure you have a place to sleep
  • vet people | trust is nice unless they have access to all your earthly possessions; don't ever go home with someone who "seems" decent
  • have documentation | before you leave make sure you have what you need to get a job, a plane ticket, anything and everything, and then make backup copies incase you lose them
  • get a job | mcdonalds is always hiring
  • keep your stuff safe | everything important should fit in one bag; if you have a lot of stuff, look into a storage facility once you have income
  • explore | the entire world is yours; find something new
  • move on | when your wanderlust strikes, give your resignations, put your finger to the map, and find out how to get there

please note: this list is intended for adults who have the means to get legitimately hired at establishments and provide for themselves without resorting to selling their bodies for food or such. minors shouldn't 'run away from home' but rather 'run and get help.' there are many local groups dedicated to helping and housing those in desperate situations if there is a need for them.

jun 8 2011 ∞
may 4 2012 +