• Angkor Wat, Cambodia
  • Be ACLS Certified
  • Get my MSN degree
  • Get nationally certified
  • Go to a drive-in movie theatre
  • Invest in something new
  • Learn a new skill: baking
  • Learn how to bake
  • NYC with Corn
  • Read 50 books
  • Renew NJRN license
  • Save at least 5,000 USD
  • Tour the temples in Thailand
  • Travel to a new country
  • Try a winter sport: snowboarding
  • Watch 50 movies
  • Go to a local fair
  • See a Broadway show
  • Go to a concert


Thoughts: At least I got half of my goals. 2016 wasn't my most productive year. I didn't read as much nor travelled as much as I would have liked but it was a good year. Corn & I are together, we got married (big life event right there). Work is good and I'm getting more and more confident in my craft. Life is great! I have a cozy home living with the best kind of people you'll ever meet. 2016 was more of a "on hold" kind of year - of me adjusting and getting into the groove of my new life and setting things into motion (aka getting Corn here). 2017 is going to be helping Corn get his life in NJ together but hopefully we'll be able to do all sorts of things in the meantime. He can't travel outside of the US until he gets a green card so we'll be seeing more and more of this beautiful and crazy country of ours. Road trips, yes please! And hopefully he gets a job as soon as he can. I do want him to have a life outside of me and our family and for him to be able to buy whatever he wants without feeling bad about me having to pay for it. Nothing beats the feeling of being accomplished and independent.2017 has the potential to be such a great year. Clarissa's graduating and then moving back State's side with us (for the meantime or for good? No one knows quite yet what she wants to do with her life, not even her. But who does straight out of college? She'll figure something out sooner or later.) I want to write more this year, see more of the US and generally do more and just BE more. Let's have an awesome 2017!

jan 4 2016 ∞
jan 8 2017 +