• Familiarize self with programme.
  • Wait for programmers to finish planning (16 June)
  • Read up on safety regulations from OED
  • Check up on venues used last year from DLS
  • Check programme to see how many meals we need to cater for
  • Look at food list and consider caterers
  • Look over T-shirt vendor options
  • Do up reverse timeline for oweek?
  • W/F Jasper to reply on NUSSU van rental
  • Ask Jasper about NUSSU van orientation
  • Set deadlines for caterer, shirt vendor and bus rental
  • Flesh out Agenda for first meeting
  • Expand on timeline for oweek
  • Go through current documents and pen down thoughts / to-dos
  • Settle safety briefing during 1st meeting
  • W/F Dorcas, Serene, Yijiao to reply
  • Set date for 1st meeting
  • Ask Yilin how many people need to be present for safety briefing
  • Discuss prog-log situation with Jolene and Kang Sheng
  • check out transport costs for social night
  • check out previous years' transport costs (1.4k, excluding bus rental)
  • Source for bus vendors
  • Check with Yilin / Publicity on the timeline for the shirts
  • W/f replies from bus vendors
  • W/F Chrystal / Pris to reply about first aid course
  • Call people from interview schedule
  • Ask people if they are interested
  • Follow up with Tanya
  • See if Yijiao’s friends are interested
apr 3 2012 ∞
aug 20 2012 +