• Do up list of readings (Selective)
  • Think about the topic for SC2220 wiki article
  • Link pages for SC2222 article
  • Come up with concept checklist for modules
  • Apply for Financial Aid by Saturday.
  • Select topic for SC2220 Wiki project by Friday.
  • Read journal article for SC2214 paper
  • Read chapters relevant to SC2214 term paper
  • Come up with outline for SC2214 Term paper
  • Review powerpoint slides for SN2276 presentation
  • Research on crossdressing in entertainment for SC2220 Wiki by Thursday
  • Review book extract and quotes from journal article for SC2222 tomorrow.
  • Review logistics material from last year
  • Come up with preliminary game plan for logistics (food, transport, games, safety, shirts etc) by this weekend.
  • Settle on topic for SC2214 paper by 14 March (Wednesday)
  • Read up on transvestism by Thursday - Find out definition, key concepts, motivations, expressions
  • Get logistics documentation from Yilin and Kai Keat by Tuesday.
  • Read up on Sociological connections for SC2222 project by Friday.
  • Find out parameters of SC2222 Indiv review essay by today
  • Find out description of SC2101 Project III by today.
  • Complete Part I of SC2101 Project III & determine 3rd variable by this week
  • Plan reverse timelines for all projects by this weekend
    • SC2220 Group Project
    • SC2222 Group Project
    • Sc2222 Individual Review Essay
    • SC2214 Essay
mar 10 2012 ∞
apr 28 2012 +