
  • 誕生日:7月10日(かに座)成人済み
  • 血液型:O型
  • 好きなもの:ノベルゲー、ヤンデレ、飼い鳥、緑色
  • 苦手なもの:犬、タマネギ


お仕事・依頼など御用の際はこちらにお願いします: verdelishjp☆gmail.com (☆→@)

Hey kids, I'm VerdelishJP! Call me Verde. I'm a freelance Japanese-English translator who specializes mostly in porny visual novel games. I love yanderes, birds, and the color green.

I'm a game industry veteran who spent 5 years in video game QA for both console an...

jul 25 2017 ∞
oct 11 2017 +
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J-Novel Club



jul 25 2017 ∞
nov 19 2018 +

Here's my askbox where you can anonymously ask me things:

My portfolio website: http://www.verdelish.jp

In my free time I've written some stuff:

I've been interviewed a couple times:

I've also written for Polygon:

I was also previously a co-host on Tokimeki Radio, an otome game news podcast.

jul 26 2017 ∞
dec 31 2018 +