Started on March, 14th, 2010 (Sunday)
Ends on December 9th, 2012 (Sunday)
- Write this list - (03.14.10)
- Finish this list
- Hug a tree
- Run by the side of a lake
- Play guitar by the side of a lake
- Make a mega-sleepover with friends
- Date my crush
- Kiss a girl
- Pretend to be a tourist from abroad
- Swim in the pool at night
- Spend Christmas with friends
- Spend the new years eve with friends
- Sleep in the same bed with a girl
- Get a professional massage
- Broadcast in twitCam with friends
- See a shooting star
- Travel to the beach with friends
- Tell someone the words “I Love You”
- Swim naked (?)
- Hug someone for more than one minute
- Hug someone for more than five minutes
- Fly a kite
- Donate blood
- Build a sandcastle at the beach.
- Have a picnic outside in a park or near a river.
- Laugh until my tommy hurts
- Stay awake for more than 72 hours (with someone).
- Say 'yes' to everything for a day.
- Save $5 for each completed task completed, $10 for every failure.
- Eat fruits everyday for two weeks. (0/14)
- Get kissed under the rain.
- Change my hairstyle
- Spend an entire day on watching movies (with someone)
- Save over R$2,000.
- Sleep in the sofa all night
- Finish my dental treatment
- Send a secret to post-secret
- Make a crossword
- Memorize a Guitar Hero music
- Say “You are pretty” to a girl
- Talk with someone that sit by my side at the bus
- Buy pijamas
- Buy a stripped black/white t-shirt
- Play hide-and-seek with my friends
- Buy a Tamagotchi
- Sleep alone at my house
- Speak English during all day
- Buy a Desktop
- Plant a seed
- Give flowers to a girl
- Go to habibs drive-thru and say “I want 4 bibsfiha, 1 coke, and your phone-number”
- Run with my dog
- Hold a lil’ bird
- Play ping-pong
- Play marco-polo
- Play I Never again
- Play Truth or Dare again
- Install All The Sims 2 expansions
- Install The Sims 3
- Do a Mosh!
- Yell very high
- Do a High-Five for every little thing during a day.
- Break a glass-cup
- Make the Mentos+Coke experiment
- Do a water-baloon’s war!
- Make myself a custom T-Shirt
- Make my FutureBook and my PastBook
- Dance DDR or Pump-It-Up at the Mall
- Hug a teacher
- Teach a child new words
- Support a friend that is getting through bad moments
- Mix up more than 3 different soda and drink
- Eat vegetables every day for a week
- Tickles someone
- Shoot a glass of water at someone
- Bet R$10 at something
- Ride a bike with a friend
- Piggyback a friend
- Piggyback a pretty girl
- Get my bachelor degree
- Experience love
- Karaoke
- Go lasergaming, bowling or go-kart racing
- Go to Zoo
- Go on a road trip
- Make 5 new friends (2/5) - Ana Caroline, Fernando, Okamoto, Adriana, Milena, Renato
- Write a poem
- Write a song
- Make a song parody
- Delivery 10 nice cards to 10 random houses
- Get my CNH
- Buy five gifts for five people… Unprompted
- Go to Gym
- Find a hairstyle that I really like and WORK IT
- Improve my posture
- Offer to buy a homeless person a meal
- Write down 20 things that I don’t like about myself and then burn the list
- Take a walk at midnight
- Do a volunteer work
- Buy a large bottle of bubbles and blow bubbles
- Make another 101 list
Completed 19/101