FE3H Ferdibert IN PROGRESS Fics
- Fears and Frights of Fódlan [Buzzfeed Supernatural AU] (2570 words)
- Somnophilia (2426 words)
- Demon couplet (on deck)
- onlyfans AU (on deck)
FE3H Ferdibert BACKBURNER Fics
- Haircare (vague)
- Slither in the Dark [survival horror AU] (plotting)
- romcom lost ring/soulmate AU or as Mei called it, "Skirtinand von Hired" (plotting)
RPs to Fic Pipeline
- Blue Lions Ferdinand (in progress)
- Arranged Marriage (plotting)
Other FE3H Fics
- YuriAshe anything to get it out of my brain
- masquerade ball AU (plotting)