• Ignore non-essential information

Whilst workplace chatter and outside influences may affect your workplace demeanour, drawing a line under what information you’re going to react to can make a massive difference. When in the office, ignore any information that isn’t essential in getting the job done. By cutting out these harmful sources, you’ll immediately start to feel more confident.

  • Identify your strengths and capitalise on them

5 traits that define entrepreneurial success Read more 5 traits that define entrepreneurial success Everyone has weaknesses, and whilst focusing on them may leave you disheartened, simply accepting that those aren’t your strongest areas is empowering. Focus on the parts of your job that you excel in and ensure that those are the skills that you make others aware of. Build upon them, offer to aide others where you can, and when you find yourself in need of help with a weakness, your colleagues will be happy to return the favour.

  • Utilise personal time to eliminate weaknesses

As previously stated, truly getting to grips with your weaknesses can render you disheartened. However, they don’t have to be weaknesses for long. Spend some regular downtime outside of the corporate sphere reading up on these areas and building your skills. If this is upheld, they won’t be weaknesses for much longer.

  • Believe in yourself

You haven’t got to where you are through sheer luck. Whilst we all may experience imposter syndrome every once in a while, it is important to be mindful of your achievements. By discounting your asset to your company you’re devaluing your skills, which can lead to stagnation in your career path. Arrogance is an off-putting trait, but leaders with belief in their own value are respected and considered stronger team members.

  • Build aspirational goals

A business leader doesn’t stand still. That by no means requires frequent employment changes but does mean that you should constantly strive to achieve more. To action change, you must first visualise your goals design a path to the success you aspire to achieve. Rome wasn’t built in a day, but by creating small milestones along the way, you’ll be able to evidence your innovation when the time comes to justify that next pay increase or promotion.

mar 18 2019 ∞
mar 18 2019 +