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  • Publishing history is rife with stories about classic novels that barely squeaked into print~ Frances McCullough
  • If you're as good as we think you are, you'll figure out something to do~ Frances McCullough's Boss
  • The big questions: How to sort out your life, how to work out what you want, how to deal with men and sex, how to be true to yourself, and how to figure out what that means-those things are the same today.~ Frances McCullough
  • The poetry soars over everything~ Pat Stier
  • It had nothing to do with me, but I couldn't help wondering what it would be like, being buried alive all along your nerves~ Eleanor
  • I felt very still and very empty, the way the eye of a tornado must feel, moving dully along in the middle of the surrounding hullabaloo~ Eleanor
apr 12 2010 ∞
apr 12 2010 +