⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ❀ thirty days of personal love and self growth / via

  • started on: [date]
    • each time you journal a prompt, include a positive affirmation to keep in mind for that day. no pressure, only self-love.
    • 01. let’s talk about you today — be kind to yourself. even in a situation where you’re trying to grow and learn from a mistake you don’t need to put yourself down. instead talk to yourself like you’re talking to thirteen year old you; “now i know better and in the future i can properly prepare/handle this situation by doing x,y, and z.” make it a lesson, not a reason to be mean to yourself.
    • 02. set goals for yourself — a dream, no matter how small, will it really help you grow? would you like to decrease how often you obsess over that one anxiety? would you like to be more grateful for the little things in life? take time to think about it, no rush.
    • 03. take a photo of yourself laughing — do whatever it takes, whatever tickles you, get yourself laughing today! look at how beautiful you are when you’re confident and laughing.
    • 04. self-introspection — something we all need to practice if we’re hoping to grow and heal. look at yourself closely, are there any old habits/beliefs/ways of thinking that you need to let go of? what are you doing to hold yourself back? remember to be easy on yourself and keep the wording as neutral(gentle) as possible.
    • 05. you have value — write about it, write about how your feelings and experiences are valid. write about how you are valid, you’re still here; appreciate that.
    • 06. gratitude — what are you grateful for, write anything. were the clouds nice today? has someone complimented you recently? did you finish some work? did you have great sex recently? it can be anything and everything.
    • 07. breathe — take five minutes (or longer) to focus on your breathing. deep breath in, deep breath out. feel the air fill your lungs and help bring life energy into your veins. you can aim to do this once a day, every other day, or just once a week.
    • 08. a letter to yourself — write a letter of encouragement, tell yourself how wonderful you are, and whatever you think you need to hear.
    • 09. forgive yourself — there’s something we all need to forgive ourselves for, at the very least for not being as kind to yourself as you should be.
    • 10. it’s okay to be angry — with whatever struggle or anxieties it is you’re facing. take that anger and use that anger to encourage yourself and your growth instead of hinder you. you don’t need to repress your anger, let it out, let it be the fuel to your fire.
    • 11. imperfections — choose three (or more) imperfections you think you have, then write one positive thing about them that actually make it a silver lining. being kind and upfront with yourself is important on this journey.
    • 12. write about yourself — really get into it. write about yourself like you’re writing about your muse.
    • 13. my mental health is important to me — write down how you’re likely to sabotage yourself. it might be procrastinating, eating poorly (or not at all), bottling up your emotions, etc. for each way you sabotage yourself, write two ideas for how you can prevent that from happening. keep this up, every time you start to sabotage yourself journal about it and what you could do (or could’ve done) to prevent it or cope.
    • 14. your ideal self — keep it non-physical. what kind of traits does this person have? how do loved ones feel about them? how do they feel about themselves? what can you do to be more like this person?
    • 15. keeping up with positive affirmations — whenever you’re feeling negative, anxious, or just generally bad about yourself what are some healthy things you can do to ground yourself?
    • 16. the people in your life — are you happy with the people in your life? are there any toxic relationships you need to let go of? if so what can you do to change it?
    • 17. i love me — say it out loud, sing it, write it down, in your journal, on the bathroom wall, on your skin, in the sky. love yourself.
    • 18. morality — what are your virtues, what does integrity mean to you? knowing your own value system is vital.
    • 19. find some time to yourself — light a candle, take some time to meditate and look inward. take a look at what you are insecure about. make a list and separate it into two sides: things you can change and things you can’t. now imagine that someone else(or your younger self) made this list - what advice would you give them about their insecurities?
    • 20. accomplishment of the day — do something you’ve been putting off and then write about it! it could be taking a shower, doing the dishes, confronting a friend, it can be however big or small you want it to be.
    • 21. go outside — use all your senses to observe your environment and identify things around you that you like, that make you feel peaceful or happy. write about what those things are, what you see, feel, hear, smell, that make you calm.
    • 22. what makes you feel invincible — or gives you strength? like the badass witch that you are? today go do that thing, listen to that song, wear that item of clothing, whatever it is embrace it today. remember to keep up with your affirmations.
    • 23. what you’re passionate about — what’s your dream in life, your long term goal no matter how silly that it may seem? write the first five steps out to actualizing that dream even if there’s still another fifty after you have to do, even if the first step is a little good luck spell. make that list or reach for your dreams.
    • 24. research different art movements — pick one that inspires you and talk about it why it inspires you. name some of your favorite pieces if you want.
    • 25. ask a loved one to describe you — accept all the compliments they give you with grace because yes, they’re true. write them down to refer to later, and give them a big hug afterwards.
    • 26. your favorite affirmation — put it on a post it note, your calendar, make into a small poster but put it somewhere you’ll see it everyday.
    • 27. a “just for me” playlist — any songs/podcasts that make you happy, passionate, motivated, this is just for you so be honest about it and enjoy it.
    • 28. spend time naked — at least twenty minutes. lock your bedroom door and do something you’d normally do. do a load of laundry, browse tumblr, prep dinner. or relish in it, take cute selfies, look at that booty, your body is amazing and a blessing. love it! being alone with your bare body is a great experience and the more you do it the sooner you’ll feel more comfortable with it. you can write about your experience or keep it to yourself, either way is okay.
    • 29. treat yourself! — take a bath, do some magic, go shopping, buy a candle, treat yourself in a way of pampering. do whatever it is you love to do that makes you feel good. face masks, new nails, video games, you name it.
    • 30. reflect on yourself — at the beginning of this challenge and where you are now, have you made progress? how are you feeling? write it down.
jan 11 2018 ∞
apr 29 2020 +