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  • life path number — 5
    • (+) energetic, adventurous, daring and freedom-loving, versatile, flexible, adaptable, curious, social, sensual, quick-thinking, witty, courageous and worldly.
    • (-) unstable, chaotic, self-indulgent, irresponsible or careless. beware the consequences of drug abuse and unhealthy sexual tendencies.
    • + in depth
  • expression number — 6
    • loving and caring, with a tendency to put the needs of others before their own. responsible and trustworthy with a high regard for justice and honesty. creative in all areas of life, yet the talents may remain undeveloped or suppressed as a result of a tendency to sacrifice time and pleasure to the service of others. uniquely qualified to handle and integrate contradictions, a natural counselor and healer, creating peace between opposing points of view, or internal conflicts within the self.
  • hidden passion number — 5
    • an adventurer who loves travel, change and new challenges. highly adaptable, versatile and unconventional. a talent for languages, and generally good with words. sensual and a bit impulsive, love to satisfy your senses, which can get you into trouble. overindulgence in food, drink, sex and drugs are common among people with too many 5s. resourceful and original, with a good sense of humor and a quick tongue. the desire for freedom is extremely strong and it will take effort and discipline to stick with whatever is started; there is a tendency to give up a project or situation prematurely. interested in too many things, which can make it hard to apply to one area successfully. commitment in relationships and work is fundamental to happiness.
  • balance number — 6
    • strength lies in the understanding of people and the underlying conditions of a conflict. a tendency to rely too heavily on friends and family to provide self with solace, instead of handling the situation directly and responsibly. may be too likely to retreat to the good feelings provided by people not involved in the situation; responsibility is the real issue here. You helped create the situation in the first place, and are an essential part of the solution. accepting the role is required.
  • sun number — 7
    • + the world of philosophy and spiritual awareness is a 7’s domain. doesn't take anything at face value and tend to search for a deeper meaning in everything. may be an introvert hiding an extrovert or vice versa. dreamers, but not materialistic. extremely curious and have a scholarly nature, but not a conventional one, as they are often more eccentric. often a late bloomer; interests are mostly on the spiritual and intellectual planes, not so much the physical.
jan 12 2018 ∞
jan 12 2018 +