• "id take a bullet for u" - Owlie
  • "id take a bullet for u 2: electric boogaloo" - Owlie
  • "i would take a bullet for you 3: prizoner of azkaban" - Owlie
  • "i'd take a bullet for you 4: if you delete my testimonials we have to break up you heartless videogame minx" - Owlie
  • "the personality equivalent of one of those flowery-hilted knives, only ever found in the backs of people who hurt your loved ones" - Maze
  • "Vivi i wld kill 4 u but i think youd get there first" - B
  • "I trust them with my life and they can always sit with me because they only have the best opinions" - River
  • "vivi: we've never spokien but i followed you bc i hate (x) and i heard you were talking shit" - Peko
  • "i love the way you straight up murder people in cold blood on the daily" - Van
  • "it's so rare to find anyone as unerringly loyal and willing to defend their closest to their last breath as you are" - Maze
nov 30 2016 ∞
may 18 2017 +