- The Great [02x03]
- Sex Education [04x01]
- Gossip Girl (2021) [02x01]
- Fundação [02x01]
- Severance [02x05]
- The White Lotus [03x01]
Aguardando retorno:
- Minas do Hóquei*
- Why are you like this? [02x01]
- Euphoria [03x01]
- Dafne e todo o resto [02x01]
- Stranger Things [05x01]
- The Rehearsal [02x01]
- The Last of Us [03x01]
- Mr&Mrs Smith [02x01]
- The Summer I Turned Pretty [03x01]
- Próximo [02x01]
- Maxton Hall [02x01]
- Bridgerton [04x01]
- House of Dragon [03x01]
- Manual de assassinato para boas meninas [02x01]
- Abbott Elementary [04x01]
- Nobody Wants This [02x01]
- Anéis do Poder [03x01]
- Heartbreak High [03x01]
- Heartstopper [04x01]
- Only murders in the building [05x01]
- Industry [04x01]
- Black Doves [02x01]
- Duna: Profecia [02x01]
- Sex Lives of College Girls [04x01]
Para retornar:
- The Office
- Parks and Recreation
- Modern Family
- Grey's Anatomy
- Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
- Sense 8
- House of Cards
- Instrumentos Mortais
- Brooklyn Nine-nine
- Peaky Blinders [2ºtemporada]
- High School MusicaL: The Musical The Series [03x01]
- Black Mirror
- Hunters
mar 26 2019 ∞
feb 17 2025 +