• I never was sold on the idea of the Doctor and Rose as a romantic OTP sort of couple, and especially rather loathed Ten/Rose...but when 10.5 came along, I absolutely loved the idea, and I now ship 10.5/Rose so hard that it's not even funny! The funny thing is, though I'm more open than before, I still don't like Ten and Rose as a couple, but I LOVE 10.5 and Rose as a couple. WTF is wrong with me?!?!?!
  • Though apparently not so popular, I really enjoyed Love and Monsters. It was a well done episode, though I'd have preferred a happier ending...and more Ten, but I mean, LINDA, and ELO, Elton and Jackie -- especially Jackie was wonderful!!!
  • Donna Noble is by far the best, the most brilliant, the most complimentary and suited to the Doctor companion in the entire run of the show. The only one to come close is Sarah Jane. I miss Donna SO MUCH!
  • Midnight is nothing short of a classic. Not just as a Doctor Who episode, but as a science fiction piece. TRUFAX, yo!
  • Even though I was a Doctor Who fan from back in the day -- that is, during the eras of Tom Baker and Peter Davison -- my Whovian loyalty has been earned by David Tennant. He is everything I want my Doctor to be. I will be devastated when he leaves the show.
jul 26 2008 ∞
jul 26 2008 +