• Being ignored in message boards, threads, blog postings. I hope it's not on purpose, in fact, I tend to think it's not -- but I lose interest if nobody ever replies to me.
  • Outright shipping wars -- I don't mind good natured teasing about ships, but when it gets serious, I'm out.
  • Being overshadowed too often by other fans, even if it's by accident. I don't need to be the BNF...I never have been, though I'm enough of a showoff to kind of want to be, at least sometimes...but I don't want to be entirely obscure either.
  • Fans who behave like stalkers. Sure, fantasize about having David Tennant as your boyfriend, but don't actually expect him to play along when you meet him after the show, which ruins it for all the sane fans. Insert the name of your favourite actor, musician, random public figure if Tennant's not your thing.
  • Fans who can't agree to disagree civilly. I've covered that in another list or two, but it bears repeating. You might slash, I might not. It's OK, don't sweat it. Don't like it, don't read it. Simple...or should be.
  • Fans who question other fans *true* fandom. We don't all like the same aspects of things. Diversity is good. IDIC, dammit!
sep 15 2008 ∞
sep 15 2008 +