• I pretty much dropped out of one fandom because I'd signed up to discuss a chapter, was late [not the first time], and the mod decided to enforce the deadline rule, which hadn't been done before, and assign it to someone else. I understood and accepted it intellectually, but I shut down emotionally. I was ready to move on anyway, but still...
  • I'd probably still be actively involved in one fandom right alongside my current ones, if the club president hadn't seen fit to make my transgressions public, when he could have just as easily allowed me to settle things privately. Things are settled, and proper apologies made, and I'm not ashamed to be seen or anything, but again, I shut down emotionally and haven't the desire to fight it.
  • I've lost interest in some fandoms because I wasn't given enough attention. Sad, but true. I hate to be ignored.
  • I've lost interest in some fandoms because of other fans taking things like spoilers and ships far too seriously.
  • I enjoy shipping, but I don't take shipping seriously and love gen fics just as much if not more. This applies to all my fandoms, really.
  • Speaking of fics, I love hurt/comfort fics in which my favourite characters are being comforted far too much for my own good...those are the fics I tend to re-read the most!
jul 26 2008 ∞
jul 26 2008 +